欧利臻原木蜡油 - OLI-NATURA Hard Wax Oil


  • 油和蜡的混合物,固体含量为60%。
  • 把木材从里面保护起来,形成一个开放的、透气的薄膜。
  • 特殊保护--极具抗污性,防水,防泥,防滑,易保养,易维修。
  • 给木头增添一种美丽的视觉和丝滑感觉——柔和突出木材的自然颜色。
  • 特别均匀的光泽——不管有没有抛光。
  • 易于使用的配方——便于滚、刷、喷。
  • 用量:1-2遍,40-50克/遍(1升足够涂20-25m2)。
  • 抗过敏认证(ECARF认证),DIBt认证,不含钴和肟,DIN EN 71-3儿童玩具安全认 证,DIN 53160(对唾液和汗水有抵抗力)认证。
欧利臻原木蜡油 - OLI-NATURA Hard Wax Oil


欧利臻原木蜡油是一款真正的经典: 是用植物油、蜡和树脂制成。它具有友好、触感柔滑的表面,巧妙地突出了的木质表面自然效果,非常好耐化学品和耐磨损。它可以手工或机器轻松涂一到两遍。 通过用垫子抛光表面,它获得天然的哑光。 如不抛光,表面显示出柔和的光泽。

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10, 2,5, 1 升





  • EU – Decopaint Directive 欧盟装饰涂料法令
  • Z-157.10- 18 (low-emission; certified construction product in accordance with DIBt standards) (符合DIBt标准,低排放;合格的建筑产品)
  • DIN 71-3 (safety of toys) 儿童玩具标准
  • DIN 53160 (saliva and sweat proof) 耐唾液与汗水
  • Free of formaldehyde and aromatic compounds 无游离甲醛和芳香族化合物
  • DIN 68861, 1 B (for selected substrates) 对选定的基板
  • Without biocidal substances and preservatives 不含杀虫剂和防腐剂
  • 抗过敏认证(ECARF认证)
  • Food safe according to (EC) No.: 1935/2004


  • 表面必须精细打磨,干净,干燥,无油脂和灰尘 (地板的最后打磨:砂纸100-150目,家具:砂纸180-240目)。
  • 摇动容器。分段操作,将5-10平方米的油(40-50克/平方米)涂在表面 上,用扁刷、微纤维辊或白毡涂匀均匀。
  • 用于地面/楼梯的基本处理:在干燥时间30-45分钟。用手或单擦机将其 抛光,直到表面呈现出均匀的光泽。6-8小时后,重复上述施工方法。
  • 对家具/桌子的基本处理:一般来说,涂一遍就足够了。没有必要使用白 垫。10分钟后用棉布除去多余的油。
  • 根据空气湿度和温度的不同,在1-2小时后,硬蜡油表面将会干燥,并 在2-3天后完全达到性能。在这段时间里,保护它免受水的伤害。

注意: 沾过油的布、毡垫或木灰可以自燃,因此请在使 用后立即清洁,或在盛水容器内储存。


Optik & Haptik

The hard wax oil is ideal for all leached, untreated, sanded or new wood surfaces, but is also suitable for OSB and cork indoors.   

The colourless hard wax oil discreetly emphasises the natural colour of the wood, which is often desired for light-coloured woods. The surface treated in this way looks very natural and has a velvety soft feel.

Without buffing, the surface appears slightly shinier. By  buffing in the wet phase, the hard wax oil is massaged deeper into the wood and becomes remarkably more mat.


欧利臻原木蜡油 - OLI-NATURA Hard Wax Oil


OLI-NATURA hard wax oil has been awarded the ECARF seal ("allergy-friendly, quality tested"). It consists of modified vegetable oils, such as soy oil, and waxes, such as carnauba wax, dearomatized hydrocarbon as well as lead and cobalt-free drying agents. We deliberately avoid the use of critical substances such as preservatives, formaldehydes, aromatics, biocides, cobalt salts and oximes.


The oil complies with the applicable provisions of the "Lebensmittel-, Bedarfsgegenstände- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch" (LFGB - German Food, Commodities and Feed Code) and Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004. It can therefore be used without hesitation on wooden surfaces that come into contact with food: on dining tables, worktops, cheese plates or knife blocks. 


The cured material is harmless to humans, animals and plants. It complies with DIN EN 71-3 (safety of toys) and DIN 53160 (fastness to saliva and perspiration) and is a building product approved by the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt).



Only a few care measures are sufficient to keep the surface in a permanently beautiful condition. Dust deposits, for example, are simply wiped off with a dry, possibly damp cloth.

Parquet floors, on the other hand, should be vacuumed or swept daily as sand and dust can cause fine scratches. Sticky dirt can be quickly removed with a mild "OLI-NATURA Wood Soap". It is important to avoid over-moisture and standing moisture.

From time to time, the wood treated with hard wax oil should be given a refreshing treatment with "OLI-NATURA Wood Care Wax". In this way the protective effect is renewed and slight scratches are compensated. After such a treatment the wood is antistatic and therefore attracts less dust.

In addition, the surface treated with hard wax oil can be easily reworked. The area in question can  be partially sanded and treated without having to renovate the entire surface.

欧利臻原木蜡油 - OLI-NATURA Hard Wax Oil






欧利臻原保养木蜡油 - OLI-NATURA Wood Care Wax


欧利臻原涂油清洁剂 - OLI-NATURA Wood soap
